Touchless Biometric Access Control
A frictionless access control solution that leverages the power of facial recognition to open guarded points of entry for authorized people.

Remove non-biometric access system loopholes and vulnerabilities.
Deploy with card reader, fob and keypad systems for multi-layered access control and security.
Prevent tailgating and non-authorized access.
Facial Biometric Access Control: The Secure Choice
Traditional access control solutions relying on card keys, fobs, and keypads leave organizations vulnerable to threats. Cards and fobs can be lost, stolen or shared. Passcodes can also be shared or stolen and physical keypads expose users to the spread of germs and the threat of cross-contamination.

OnPoint Access Control Reader
Provide a truly frictionless and touchless entry experience.
- Sub-second, highly-accurate, real-time access even with masks
- Offline access control with no single point of failure
- Spoofing prevention via liveness detection, plus tailgating detectionDatabase support of up to 1.000.000 user

Why Choose IBT Corp., Ltd
We transform your passive cameras into proactive security surveillance systems for real-time recognition of security threats, authorized personnel, and bad actors. Through ethical machine learning and state-of-the-art privacy controls, IBT helps identify persons of interest, while protecting the identity of bystanders.
Customers of all sizes choose IBT for our accurate, highly scalable, fast recognition, easy to use, affordable platform, powered by our facial recognition neural networks.
Superior Accuracy
Exceptional performance in real-world conditions such as crowds, poor lighting, face coverings, and acute angles.
Lowest Cost of Ownership
Works with your existing camera infrastructure and leverages edge and near-edge options, to dramatically lower total cost of ownership.
Edge Options
Deploy IBT’s Vision AI neural networks inside smart-cameras, near-edge devices and access control systems to automatically identify authorized personnel and bad actors without sacrificing detection quality.